when they appreciate my drawings or my paintings even if it is the most horrible thing
I have ever made. That's why I want to do so many things to impress them.
Personal projects or not, it is their approval that I always want.
I personally liked this particular TVC spot, and when i showed my kids this commercial, they liked it
right away. And it made my day.
Totally worth all the hours away from them.
I am so glad that this board got produced. The clay animation/ stop motion is great
and the over-all production is amazing considering that the budget is really tight.
I love what comes out eventually even though I think I can give a better film treatment if I am given the directorial job. But I am so happy that my storyboard got produced none the less.
So, as usual, a lot of things happened in between the concept idea process and the actual tv production.
Here's the storyboard and the final online material.