Sunday, October 19, 2008

Surrounded by cuteness

I can't believe that my dream of being surrounded by beautiful females, 

from the moment I wake up until the time I fall asleep, is really happening.
I am surrounded by cuteness.

Their eyes melt me. Their voices are music to my ears.
Their kisses disarms me. Their embrace is love unconditional.
I am in total surrender.

Years ago I thought it was such a bad idea being a dad,
I mean single life is just too awesome, now it's a total 360 degrees turn.
And without regret I am grateful how life turns in my favor.
There's nothing I want more.
I am surrounded by cuteness.

I guess I did something really good to deserve such wonderful gifts.

Kaia and Zeph. Sunken garden. LC-A with colorsplash flash and elitechrome. Make me a fave:)

My girls on an ordinary Saturday morning. LC-A with Fujichrome Sensia. Make me a fave:)

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